Saturday, December 29, 2012


Virtue: virtue to one's beliefs, virtue to be moral, true virtue is even more. No one can tell you your dreams don't matter. Even in dark times virtue keep you happy and clean. Virtue is one of the things between you and going on a dark path. Virtue is now taken for granted, and it's happening more and more as time goes on. Virtue is not only being moral but people with this ability often have a better perspective, and know the difference between right and wrong. Unfortunately low morals and lack of virtue are now getting more common. A place that has no morals or standards is not a place you should ever be.

Virtue is one of the many steps of achieving your purpose. Virtuous people seem to be happier and stronger. Virtue creates a strong foundation, and once this firm foundation is complete that foundation makes what used to be hard easy and turns trials into strengths and though it can be hard you can overcome any obstacle.

In today’s world there is pressure all around to do wrong things but it is important to stand out from the crowd and stand for what you believe in. Virtue is the power to be strong, and that is one of the most important things you can have because no matter how dark things become you can help others and be a Light in Darkness.

Make sure to comment, read, and enjoy!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Liebster blog award :D

I'm finally writing again and I'll try to write more from now on. I just received the Liebster Blog Award from Stephanie force see her blog at . So here is how the award works.

1) Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2) Answer the questions that the tagger set for you, plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3) Choose up to 11 people with blogs who have less than 200 followers, and link them in your post.
4) Go to their page and tell them.

  So here is eleven things about me.
1) I play piano and violin.  
2) I like listening to the radio every night before I go to bed.
3) I want to be a writer and/or movie producer.
4) My favorite color is blue.
5) I hate hard rock.
6) I'm weird and random but I can be serious when I want to.
7) To pass the time I like writing or hanging out with friends.
8) I enjoy reading others blogs although I barely comment.
9) I like playing a certain song over and over while I write
depending on what I'm writing. And I'll usually put that song in my post.
10) I love the smell of a new book when you flip the pages.
11) I am a very weird person.

Here are the questions given to me by Stephanie

1) Skittles or Starbursts?
2) If you could go anywhere in the world and take one person, where would you go and who would you take?
I have never really had any place I have dreamed to go. Anywhere fun with a family member or a friend.
3)More so than just morning or night, it is at what time that you look at the clock and see your favourite time of day?
 5:00 Is when the sun starts going down but usually when I start doing things.
4) If you could be a bird or a fish, which would you choose? Why?
I have always been a little afraid of heights but that freedom with the wind blowing would be so fun so bird.
5) How do you eat your Oreos?
I just eat them with a spoon of course.
6) Why did you start a Blog?
I had a dream about 13 kids all with different powers of mind. Who used that power or talent to influence their life. so I wrote all 13 powers down then decided to show everyone there powers and how amazing everyone is.
7) How do you want to be remembered after you die?
As a kind person that people could look up to.
8) Favourite Disney movie?
pirates of the Caribbean.
9) What is that one song you could listen to over and over again?
There's like a hundred songs I could listen to over and over but vanilla twilight by owl city is one I could listen to for days.
10) When have you been at your happiest?
At home writing at  family vacations or with friends.  
11) Are you going to pass on this award, or have you given up with all the work it entails?
I will definitely pass on this award.

Here are my questions for you.

1) What is your favorite color?
2) What do you do with your spare time?
3)  If you could do one thing with one person what would it be? I'm copying this question from Stephanie because its a good question.
4) If you could have one super power what would It be and why?
5) If you had two million dollars what would you do with it.?
6) If you were stuck doing one thing for a week what would It be?
7) What is your favorite place in the world?
8) What are five things you don't want when you open your Christmas presents?
9) What is the most annoying sound you have ever heard?
10) What are the top five things you would like to hear in the mourning?
11) Will you pass on this award?

please send me the link to your post  of this award.

Make sure to comment, read and enjoy!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

All together self confidence is awsome!

This is my grand finale on self confidence! If you have not read my other posts on self confidence you should probably do that first.

Now that I have talked about over self confidence, and under self confidence, I will talk about the advantage of being self confident. Not prideful or under self confident, but just the right amount.

Self confidence determines how you approach a situation. Like how you respond to a question and your attitude on certain things.

Self confidence is obviously a good thing to have but if you don’t have good attributes to go with it, it probably wont get you good attention. For example if you were prideful you probably wouldn't attract good friends. But if you are under self confident you wont have the confidence to go out and make friends. There are lots of attributes you need to have. But the most important attributes are compassion and humility. That way you can be confident about yourself, while thinking good about other people as much as yourself and not thinking yourself more superior than others.

That will help your perspective, your character, your kindness and your happiness. And with that you will be the person you need to be. : )

To use self confidence to its full potential you also need  the attributes of charity and virtue. With self confidence many things become possible. Having the right amount of self confidence along with good attributes will help you to look to the future knowing that you have a bright future. Things definitely don't always work out the way we want, but if we are optimistic, enthusiastic, self confident, and hard working they always work out in the end we can always look forward knowing "its going to be a good life." 

Thank you for reading. Tell me what you would like me to write next. Or tell me if there were any posts you were interested in that you want me to update. Also I am writing a book and I will show the first chapter if everyone wants me to please tell me in the comments
Make sure to comment, read, and enjoy!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

What purpose?

What Purpose?

People often think they have no purpose but the truth is everyone has a purpose. If we choose to follow that purpose or not is our choice. There is more to life then you think. Make sure to use your purpose to help others. Chase your dreams and remember your life is determined by your actions. Your small choices make large impacts in peoples lives. You’re the hero you make yourself to be. Anyone can be a hero. Doctors save people’s lives; movie makers or book writers can inspire people to become better; soldiers risk their lives to protect others without fear; firemen run into burning buildings and save people… So many people each do different things that help people and save lives. What have you done and what will you do next? That is a choice you will have to make.

Sometimes failure is necessary for success. You will have many people criticizing you but you can’t quit. Like in a book I read called The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. It is a really good book! Also there is a nice blog you might want to check out called Joy in the journey. Now back on topic.

I watched a movie were a kid said he thought of the world like a machine. And since machines don’t have extra parts there must be a purpose for him. This video is an example of following your dreams even when other people say otherwise; you can also see this video on the right side of my blog.

You can be an example of what isn’t impossible when you are trying your hardest. Remember to "keep moving forward.” Walt Disney

Make sure to comment, read, and enjoy!

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Power of Soul

I got a request for a post so that is what I will be writing about. The request was that I write about intuition and following your dreams - an excellent Idea! So I will write about the power of your soul, the power of peace and understanding.

The common reasons that people do not follow their dreams are sometimes because of lack of self confidence or they think there is no point of trying because they think they will fail anyway. This is a lie, something that people will often tell them selves because they are scared. But by pursuing dreams and not taking no for an answer people can achieve anything they put there mind to. I believe any goal can be achieved by pursuing through endurance and strength.

You’re probably wondering why this post is called the Power of soul. Well it is because people who have amazing soul often have basically every power. Why because people at peace with themselves and their soul have amazing understanding. People with peace have amazing intuition and are more capable of pursuing their dreams to the fullest. Although being at peace with you’re your self isn’t easy it can be gained simply by listening to an inspirational song or movie. But to make that peace last you must keep a good attitude and be kind. It doesn’t sound that hard when you think about it. You have all probably all felt that overwhelming feeling of joy that makes you feel like you don’t have a care in the world. If you will. Try to feel like you did at that moment every second of the day. It isn’t as easy now is it? But it absolutely can be achieved!

Now this is one of many things that can give you that feeling of peace. I sometimes use songs like this when writing to give me inspiration. People have different things that give them inspiration this is one of mine. The power of music is amazing. I highly recomment music from owl city such as this you need to listen to it!

I think the power of soul is awesome because you just know something like having faith in something you don’t understand. But I think they can sometimes be attached like having intuition and then having inspiration confirm it, not always but sometimes. That song, Take to the sky is  awsome! I just think that song matches the topic. Make sure not to give up and chase your dreams. :D I sometimes think it is nice to listen to music while I’m reading and these songs are really good. But back on topic, I guess you need intuition and faith to really follow your dreams. So before I finish writing, chase your dream and be brave.

 Thank you for reading, Make sure to tell me what you want me to write next. :D
Make sure to comment, read, and enjoy!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lack of Self Confidence

Self confidence is necessary to accomplish goals. If you do not have any self confidence you would turn into coward. Being A Coward will make it almost impossible to accomplish any goals. A world of cowards would turn into anarchy. If you want to know anything about this in more detail please comment. Now that I talked about both extremes of self confidence please wait for my next post. And I will conclude my writing on self confidence.

Make sure to comment, read, and enjoy!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Self Confidence vs. Pride

Self confidence this is a necessary power to achieve the things you want in life. But this ability can be blinding. This ability is often used for wrong purposes. This ability allows you to be confident in yourself even if other people don't. Like I said this ability can be blinding and draw you away from other people and make you only believe in yourself because you are the only one you can trust. You must have compassion and virtue to truly be self confident because without compassion and virtue self confidence would turn into pride.

Make sure to comment, read, and enjoy!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Hello. For this blog I am going to be talking about the powers you have in your mind. There are many different powers. Such as... creation, strength, virtue, self confidence, mind, purpose, charity, mastery, learner, compassion, and humility. I will be writing about all of these powers individually and in detail.

Everyone in the world has at least one of these amazing powers. But people have stopped using their powers due to lack of self confidence and other things. The question is, what is your ability and will you unlock it?

This shows the low amount of people that use there ability. Make sure to use your ability and be a light in darkness.

Make sure to leave a comment and I will make sure to answer any questions. Please tell me what you want me to write about next. Please tell me about any interesting blogs thanks :)

Make sure to comment, read, and enjoy!