Tuesday, April 10, 2012

All together self confidence is awsome!

This is my grand finale on self confidence! If you have not read my other posts on self confidence you should probably do that first.

Now that I have talked about over self confidence, and under self confidence, I will talk about the advantage of being self confident. Not prideful or under self confident, but just the right amount.

Self confidence determines how you approach a situation. Like how you respond to a question and your attitude on certain things.

Self confidence is obviously a good thing to have but if you don’t have good attributes to go with it, it probably wont get you good attention. For example if you were prideful you probably wouldn't attract good friends. But if you are under self confident you wont have the confidence to go out and make friends. There are lots of attributes you need to have. But the most important attributes are compassion and humility. That way you can be confident about yourself, while thinking good about other people as much as yourself and not thinking yourself more superior than others.

That will help your perspective, your character, your kindness and your happiness. And with that you will be the person you need to be. : )

To use self confidence to its full potential you also need  the attributes of charity and virtue. With self confidence many things become possible. Having the right amount of self confidence along with good attributes will help you to look to the future knowing that you have a bright future. Things definitely don't always work out the way we want, but if we are optimistic, enthusiastic, self confident, and hard working they always work out in the end we can always look forward knowing "its going to be a good life." 

Thank you for reading. Tell me what you would like me to write next. Or tell me if there were any posts you were interested in that you want me to update. Also I am writing a book and I will show the first chapter if everyone wants me to please tell me in the comments
Make sure to comment, read, and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I've enjoyed keeping up with your posts, and I always love seeing a comment of two from you! That is why I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award, http://itsanorganizedmess.blogspot.com/2012/07/liebster-blog-award.html


Feel free to comment or just tell me the name of your blog so I can see it either way thank you for reading Powers of Mind :)