I'm finally writing again and I'll try to write more from now on. I just received the Liebster Blog Award from Stephanie force see her blog at http://itsanorganizedmess.blogspot.com/ . So here is how the award works.
1) Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2) Answer the questions that the tagger set for you, plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3) Choose up to 11 people with blogs who have less than 200 followers, and link them in your post.
4) Go to their page and tell them.
So here is eleven things about me.
1) I play piano and violin.
2) I like listening to the radio every night before I go to bed.
3) I want to be a writer and/or movie producer.
4) My favorite color is blue.
5) I hate hard rock.
6) I'm weird and random but I can be serious when I want to.
7) To pass the time I like writing or hanging out with friends.
8) I enjoy reading others blogs although I barely comment.
9) I like playing a certain song over and over while I write
depending on what I'm writing. And I'll usually put that song in my post.
10) I love the smell of a new book when you flip the pages.
11) I am a very weird person.
Here are the questions given to me by Stephanie
1) Skittles or Starbursts?
2) If you could go anywhere in the world and take one person, where would you go and who would you take?
I have never really had any place I have dreamed to go. Anywhere fun with a family member or a friend.
3)More so than just morning or night, it is at what time that you look at the clock and see your favourite time of day?
5:00 Is when the sun starts going down but usually when I start doing things.
4) If you could be a bird or a fish, which would you choose? Why?
I have always been a little afraid of heights but that freedom with the wind blowing would be so fun so bird.
5) How do you eat your Oreos?
I just eat them with a spoon of course.
6) Why did you start a Blog?
I had a dream about 13 kids all with different powers of mind. Who used that power or talent to influence their life. so I wrote all 13 powers down then decided to show everyone there powers and how amazing everyone is.
7) How do you want to be remembered after you die?
As a kind person that people could look up to.
8) Favourite Disney movie?
pirates of the Caribbean.
9) What is that one song you could listen to over and over again?
There's like a hundred songs I could listen to over and over but vanilla twilight by owl city is one I could listen to for days.
10) When have you been at your happiest?
At home writing at family vacations or with friends.
11) Are you going to pass on this award, or have you given up with all the work it entails?
I will definitely pass on this award.
Here are my questions for you.
1) What is your favorite color?
2) What do you do with your spare time?
3) If you could do one thing with one person what would it be? I'm copying this question from Stephanie because its a good question.
4) If you could have one super power what would It be and why?
5) If you had two million dollars what would you do with it.?
6) If you were stuck doing one thing for a week what would It be?
7) What is your favorite place in the world?
8) What are five things you don't want when you open your Christmas presents?
9) What is the most annoying sound you have ever heard?
10) What are the top five things you would like to hear in the mourning?
11) Will you pass on this award?
please send me the link to your post of this award.
Make sure to comment, read and enjoy!
I loved reading this! Thank you for continuing it!(: Hope all is well