Sunday, March 18, 2012

What purpose?

What Purpose?

People often think they have no purpose but the truth is everyone has a purpose. If we choose to follow that purpose or not is our choice. There is more to life then you think. Make sure to use your purpose to help others. Chase your dreams and remember your life is determined by your actions. Your small choices make large impacts in peoples lives. You’re the hero you make yourself to be. Anyone can be a hero. Doctors save people’s lives; movie makers or book writers can inspire people to become better; soldiers risk their lives to protect others without fear; firemen run into burning buildings and save people… So many people each do different things that help people and save lives. What have you done and what will you do next? That is a choice you will have to make.

Sometimes failure is necessary for success. You will have many people criticizing you but you can’t quit. Like in a book I read called The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. It is a really good book! Also there is a nice blog you might want to check out called Joy in the journey. Now back on topic.

I watched a movie were a kid said he thought of the world like a machine. And since machines don’t have extra parts there must be a purpose for him. This video is an example of following your dreams even when other people say otherwise; you can also see this video on the right side of my blog.

You can be an example of what isn’t impossible when you are trying your hardest. Remember to "keep moving forward.” Walt Disney

Make sure to comment, read, and enjoy!


  1. Good blog post! You are correct when you say that sometimes failure is necessary for success, more people need to realize that. Fine job sir!

  2. Thank you your blog Is very cool :)

  3. Hey! Thanks for the shout out for my blog! :D

    Great post! I too read that book and loved it. And you have some great points here as well. The comparison of people to parts of a machine is also fascinating to me. If every part to a machine was designed to have a purpose, then surely every person in this world was also created with a purpose. I LOVE that! I wonder if I am fulfilling the measure of my creation...

    Thanks for your post and blog.
    Corine :D


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